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Uncle F**ka!
Police Officer
Terrance and Phillip are arguing on the sofa... (Тэрэнс и Филлип спорят на диване...)
 Shut your f**king face Uncle F**ka,
You're a cock-sucking arse-licking Uncle F**ka,
You're an Uncle F**ka, yes! it's true,
Nobody f**ks Uncles quite like you.
  Shut your f**king face Uncle F**ka,
You're the one that f**ked your Uncle, Uncle f**ka,
You don't eat nor sleep nor mow the lawn,
You just f**k your Uncle all day long!
 Farts musically to Terrance (Под музыку пукает в Тэрэнса)
 Farts musically back! (Под музыку пукает в Филлипа)
Terrance and Phillip come across a police officer directing traffic, and both fart musically in his face... (Тэренс и Филлип проходят около офицера полиции который смотрит за дорогой, и вместе под музыку пукают в его лицо)
(S)What's going on here?
Everyone in the traffic gets out of their cars, and sings in chorus... (Все водители близ стоячих авто вылазят из своего авто и начинают петь припев...)
Traffic Crowd F**ka, F**ka, Uncle F**ka, Uncle F**ka, F**ka, F**ka...
 Shut your f**king face Uncle F**ka,
You're a boner-biting b**tard Uncle F**ka...
 You're an Uncle F**ka, I must say...
 You f**ked your Uncle yesterday!
 Uncle F**ka!!!
That's U...N...C...L...E.., F**k you!
All  Uncle F**kaaaaa!
(S)Suck my balls!
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